Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Awakening

                In the article by Katherine Kearns titled “The Nullification of Edna Pontellier”, the author’s purpose was to talk about how Edna’s suicide in the water symbolizes birth as well as death. The Author makes many great points one being that Edna’s ‘awakening’ helped her to stir up great powers, she starts to realize that she has many strengths and she wants to change her life. The author compares Edna to Sleeping Beauty because it is better for the public when she is sleeping, kind of like how it was better for the people around Edna before she has her awakening. A second great point that Kearns makes is “… that once one’s egoism is a defined condition, it may awaken a profound self-disgust and weariness.” This is important because it provides a valid reasoning for why Edna had even started to go on this search for herself, maybe she was disgusted by herself for taking things from her husband for so long. Also she makes the point that It is hard for a women to see a vision of herself while looking into a masculine mirror. All of these points lead up to one important one, that the future in Edna’s eyes is not a mystery that she never attempted to penetrate, but it was a foregone conclusion that she perceives to bring on her suicide.  The author proves is that Edna’s love for Robert will subside and that her kids will have to suffer from her if she did not suffer from her own death and that the sea mirrors the soul’s abyss which could be the reason that the author of this article believe Edna’s suicide symbolizes birth and death. I believe that the author did a great job at proving her point; the article truly helped me to see that her suicide can be portrayed as birth and death.  I agree with the author’s thesis because she did a great job at getting her point across. Overall I truly enjoyed reading the article.